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Welcome to the website of Agri Information Service ** 16-18 June 2014 National Fruit Exhibition is Measured on behalf of the Fruit Planting Party **

    'We have come to the profitable, surplus and exportable agriculture from Khorpash Agriculture': Agriculture Minister
    Dayal Training Workshop on 'Use of Modern Technology to Increase Crop Production' organized by Faridpur, Department of Agricultural Extension, Dated June 7, 2014 after the district ......
    Local government, rural development and cooperative minister urged to plant native fruit saplings to meet the nutritional needs.
    Local government, rural development and co-operative minister urged to plant native fruit saplings to meet the nutritional needs, like every year, the Agriculture Ministry has organized fruit tree plantation in the same year.
    To be more proactive in maintaining self-sufficiency in food: Agriculture Secretary
    Increasing production through farm mechanization - National workshop-2014 organized by 2nd phase project on Thursday, June 12, 2014 Program at BARC auditorium in Farmgate ......
    'We have come to the profitable, surplus and exportable agriculture from Khorpash Agriculture': Agriculture Minister
    Dayal Training Workshop on 'Use of Modern Technology to Increase Crop Production' organized by Faridpur, Department of Agricultural Extension, Dated June 7, 2014 after the district ......
    Local government, rural development and cooperative minister urged to plant native fruit saplings to meet the nutritional needs.
    Local government, rural development and co-operative minister urged to plant native fruit saplings to meet the nutritional needs, like every year, the Agriculture Ministry has organized fruit tree plantation in the same year.


Agriculture News

Closing of the National Fruit Show 2014
Inauguration of 6th Meeting of Cotton Research and Extension Network of Asia
Training workshop on the use of modern technology to increase crop production has been held in Bogra
Self-sufficient agricultural production must ensure sustainable and surplus agricultural production: Agriculture Secretary
More Agriculture News

Agricultural technology

Rice harvest, threshing and conservation
Many paddy sticks in the rice while the rice is cooked, the flame breaks, the beans are broken.
Carbide is harmful for public health by mixing fruit
Fruits are one of the main sources of food and nutrients. But one class of the country ..
Vegetables and fruit crops at the table
The rate of increase in the population of Bangladesh is not increasing in the rate of land, resulting in ..
The way to know the adulterated fertilizer
High yielding and hybrid varieties can be increased for more crop production.
The irritable water treatment system is the AWD method
AltoRate is a method of saving rice by using rice in the Boro season.
At the field level, the varieties of Bt brinjal 12,3,4 are free

National Biosafety Committee of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (NCB) 30 October 2013 ..
More information




Photo Gallery

Field activities
Workshops and training
Regional activities

Field crops
Fruit crop
Agricultural technology

Message from the director

Syed Khorshed Jafri
Director, Agriculture Information Service

Your wishes and goodwill on the Bangla Web site of the agricultural information service. A Development Assistant Mass Communication Organization under the Ministry of Agriculture Information Service. The new agricultural technologies and information developed through the successful and logical use of various media, including all farmers, ...


Pricing of mustard seed, sugarcane, lentil, gram, khesari, pea and phelan seeds produced by BADC
All orders / instructions for liquid fertilizer import are canceled
Procedure for the intensive crop production program 2013-14 and 2014-15 determining the production target

Subsidiary connection

    Online Fertilizer Recommendation System (NonR)
    Nutrient Manager for Rice (Bangladesh Version 1.3)
    Rice Crop Manager (Bangladesh Version 1.0)
    Rice Doctor, Erie

Agricultural institution

    Bangladesh Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute
    Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
    Soil Resource Development Institute
    Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
    Department of Agricultural Marketing
    Horticulture Export Development Foundation
    Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation
    Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

Special message

Organizing competitions and children's painting competition organized on the occasion of 'Fruit Tree Planting Party 2014
Government's success in agriculture (June 2009 to June 1)

Agriculture at this time

Agra month farming

Weather forecasts

Weather Forecast (15 to 21 June 2014)

Today's weather
Dhaka 25.8 ° Rain
Chittagong 25 ° heavy rain
Sylhet 25 ° Medium Rain
Rajshahi 24.1 ° C heavy rain
Rangpur 25.5 ° Rain
Barisal 27.2 ° Rain
Khulna 25.3 ° Rain

    Answer the questions
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robe mousoms of fosol folano gay
There is no mention of what fertilizers will be given in the report, while the fertilizer application is applied to the lemon tree. Want to know the name and amount of fertilizer (behind the tree)
Please mention the categorization of the farmers in Bangladesh
If there is any kind of crop and the amount of fertilizer used in the crop of early crop, it will be more beneficial
1. How to successfully control the insect bites and fruit pests? 2. What can be done to curb heart disease?
Sir, this year, all the chilli trees in my field have died, and the reason for this is the remedy.
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